iStock_000000837874Small  A Deeper Look does not just mean looking through a microscope or binoculars to see a bigger picture.

It can mean taking a look at anything to everything from a new and broader perspective.  From a negative outlook to a positive outlook.  If something is amiss in Your life or in more complex situations that we may be involved with at work, with family or other situations,  we can stop, look and imagine a different way. This is part of taking responsibility for our own life.  It is thinking out of the box and into new horizons.  Being who we are as individuals in every moment while stopping to notice what we would like to change and then begin to look at how we could begin to make the changes.  This gives us the power and flexibility to live our lives, to be responsible and to be free.  It gives us the ability to do what it takes to make those choices and changes to everything from little changes to the larger life changes in a self loving manner.

I have never met a person who does not have their strengths and their weaknesses.  Some hide their weaknesses well some do not, but it is all there. Adding to that, we are all unique individuals, meaning no two people are alike.  This can create life to be a little messy sometimes to major out of balance.  However if every person was dedicated to living from their Deeper Heart and Mind I believe that the integrity of each person would find ways to achieve harmony and love not only for their self  but for all those around them thus affecting the world as a whole.

For those who are ready to or already have begun this way of thinking and living, there are many books available on this subject.  I would love to suggest a series of short books that are based upon all of these principles yet cover everyday issues and many aspects of wholeness in an earthy and yet dynamic manner.

The series is called “Get A Grip” by Derek O’Neill. You can find the books on his web site, www.derekoneill.com

We are all on our own path, it is how we go about it that makes a big difference!  What a beautiful day! ENJOY!


 gmo-1.si  YES, We Do Have A Choice !

At this time there are certain things within our society that do not seem to make sense.  One being the mainstreams lack of forethought or preventative measure when it comes to health. Most of what we are taught regarding big pharma is not viable for living in a preventative manner.  The opposite of that includes each individual taking responsibility daily for their own wellness through prevention and finding what works for their own body and mindfulness. Big pharma and big business are a large portion of what seems to regulate the principles of health based not on prevention but on what? I have seen and talked to companies who do the testing, examined their criteria and asked questions relevant to finding the truth of the Type of test they are doing. Even though I am sure there must be, never once did I find answers that proved that there were no side effects and that the drug did no major harm. In fact in most cases when asked something like “will this do harm to the liver, the answer was no.  Then when I asked, so when people with liver problems take this, it does not do further harm? The answer has been, oh, we do not allow people like that in our test!!!” As a Naturopath, I look at the preventative health as a source of assisting the body to heal itself.  Thanks to nutrition and people taking responsibility for their own body’s well-being, preventative ways of rejuvenating the body can reverse and prevent the imbalances which leads to what mainstream medicine calls illness.

With that said, I would like to now say “For anyone who wants to have Long Term Wellness, I suggest taking a responsible role, making choices that include being clear on what works, not that which covers up or even worse, takes us on a course of major unhealth/dis-ease of the body.”  Our society has been raised on quick fixes.  But are they Quick Fixes or are they Cover-Ups?  Do they cover up one thing with medication, surgery or other such antidotes creating yet other imbalances, or do they begin to reverse or enhance truly good health? Also I would like to state that I do believe that there is a time and a place for medical but that is not what I am here to talk about.

I am here to talk about GMO’s. Are GMO’s quick fixes, are they good for us, or will they do harm as we indulge over time? Through my research, experience and intuitive nature, I believe that GMO’s do create an imbalance that can be of great consequence.  Even what we think of as healthy, I’m not sure is totally healthy. Take fore instance Organic Popcorn, which has been changed over time, I find that it does not act as a fiber but can slow the internal biological workings. Whereas “Heirloom Popcorn” (the original popcorn) works within the system in a most efficient manner while also tasting wonderful at the same time!

How does choice come into this? Once we decide we want to eat healthy, non-gmo included, we can purchase and eat what we know is NON-GMO. When we go to restaurants we can go to restaurants that have organic foods.  We can ask questions and make conscious decisions! The more we as conscious individuals do our do-diligence, the more it spreads, the more we will make a difference and things can change.  Do we have to be perfect at it, of course not but the 80%/20% rule could be applied and if enough people do this, we will not only change things but we will be a much healthier society. This article is mostly for the citizens of the U.S. because many of the other countries governments are already aware and working to be preventative in nature.

What are other countries doing in respect to GMO’s.  Many European and Mid Eastern countries along with the Soviet Union are warning people.  They are made to label and in some cases do not allow GMO’s to be farmed.  The following link shows a little of what is being done.  I was amazed that the Nationalists are ahead of us in creating the space for the people to have choice.

Nationalists ponder prison sentences for selling unmarked GMO products



Canadian Parliament Receives EMF Radiation Warning

Health experts warn Canadian Parliament over harmful effects of cell phone radiation

The research on electromagnetic frequency radiation is becoming more and more prominent world wide, however I have found that much too often people do not relate or understand as EMF is something that usually cannot be observed through the senses. We cannot see, smell, touch, hear and in most cases feel EMF.  However, certain people are  extremely sensitive to radiation and I will say that they are the lucky ones. Their body will let them know that something is amiss before harsh consequences emerge. The article I am referring you to is in Natural News and I think it is said in a manner which may assist many people to have a deeper understanding.

Learn more:          http://www.naturalnews.com/049738_EM-RF_waves_Wi-Fi_energy_body.html#ixzz3aez7f5DN

Thank you Nicky for bringing this article to my attention.

Welcome To Diane Victor’s Blog

womanInhaleAs a first Blog, I wondered, what do I talk about, what would you like to hear? With a lot of forethought I decided I am dedicating this blog site to the wholeness of each person.  Nutrition and our ECO System is one part of that, emotions another and yet another is your own special Spiritual Path whatever that may be.

The “Whole Person” is a complex yet simple subject. I have found it boils down to one thing, Self Love.  Not the ego self, but who we are as a whole Being, for as we believe in and care for ourselves, we care and believe in others.  I believe we are a Divine Soul having experiences on this earth; to learn and remember who we are, as well as support those we touch and the planet we live on.  Each person has their lessons and their opportunities to learn, grow and Love AND they are free to make their own choices.  Taking time each day to go within ourselves and ask, “What can I do today to Love Myself more while Honoring who I am as a Being, as a Person?”  This is a beginning to being in integrity, positive and congruent in our thoughts, words and actions as the ultimate goal in living our daily lives.  For as we discover and acknowledge deeper awareness of who we are, the fabulous opportunity to grow and change begins to take place.

There are so many factors in this endeavor.  Emotions and beliefs play a huge part of what holds us back or propels us forward in our lives .  I have found societal  teachings, parental teachings, and experiential teachings  to be the main culprits of how we think, what we think and what we believe. Nutrition is yet another aspect…If we are not embracing the correct nutrition for our minds and body, how are expected to evolve and be well?

Many people are afraid of change, afraid of what they may find, and don’t realize the beauty of who they are. The discordant beliefs (junk) that we have taken on as truth is not the deeper truth.  The discordant is not who we are and many do not realize that they are missing out on being true to their own true self.  For only with positive change and love can you truly be free.  One last thought before I close is Divine Love/Positive Love is different than a lot of people think of love in our world.  Respect, Dignity, Worthiness, Self Esteem, Wisdom, Integrity, kindness and so many other Beautiful aspects are the manifestation of Self Love, True Love.  When we obtain the riches of loving ourselves more, we have much more to give.

With all that said, I would like to welcome you to my blog.  I will blog weekly with the intention of Wholeness.  Some weeks will embrace nutrition, some emotions and whatever else comes to the forefront.  Enjoy your week!

With Love,    Diane